Tassie Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Ich habe eine Frage an euch: Kann mir jemand die Patriarchen der 5 alten Patriarchate nennen? Vielen Dank Tassie
Explorer Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Aber gern doch: Rom: † 67 († 64?) Petrus 67-76 Linus 76-88 Cletus 88-97 Clemens I. 97-105 Evaristus 105-115 Alexander I. 115-125 Sixtus I. 125-126 Telesphorus 136-140 Hyginus 140-155 Pius I. 155-166 Anicetus 166-175 Soter 175-189 Eleutherus 189-199 Victor I. 199-217 Zephyrinus 217-222 Calixtus I. [217-235 Hippolytus] 222-230 Urban I. 230-235 Pontianus 235-236 Anteros 236-250 Fabianus 250-253 Cornelius [251-258 Novatian] 253-254 Lucius I. 254-257 Stephan I. 257-258 Sixtus II. 259-268 Dionysius 268-274 Felix I. 275-283 Eutychianus 283-296 Cajus 296-304 Marcellinus 304-309 Marcellus I. 310-310 Eusebius 311-314 Miltiades 314-335 Silvester I. 336-336 Markus 337-352 Julius I. 352-366 Liberius [355-365 Felix II.] 366-384 Damasus I. [366-367 Ursinus] 384-399 Siricius 399-401 Anastasius I. 402-417 Innozenz I. 417-418 Zosimus 418-422 Bonifatius I. [418-419 Eulalius] 422-432 Coelestin I. 432-440 Sixtus III. 440-461 Leo I. 461-468 Hilarus 468-483 Simplicius 483-492 Felix III. 492-496 Gelasius I. 496-498 Anastasius II. 498-514 Symmachus [498-505 Laurentius] 514-523 Hormisdas 523-526 Johannes I. 526-530 Felix IV. 530-532 Bonifatius II. [530-530 Dioskurus] 533-535 Johannes II. 535-536 Agapet I. 536-537 Silverius 537-555 Vigilius 556-561 Pelagius I. 561-574 Johannes III. 575-579 Benedikt I. 579-590 Pelagius II. 590-604 Gregor I. 604-606 Sabinian 607-607 Bonifatius III. 608-615 Bonifatius IV. 615-618 Adeodatus I. 619-625 Bonifatius V. 625-638 Honorius I. 640-640 Severinus 640-642 Johannes IV. 642-649 Theodor I. 649-653 Martin I. 654-657 Eugen I. 657-672 Vitalianus 672-676 Adedodatus II. 676-678 Donus 678-681 Agatho 682-683 Leo II. 684-685 Benedikt II. 685-686 Johannes V. 686-687 Konon 687-701 Sergius I. [687-687 Theodor] [687-692 Paschalis] 701-705 Johannes VI. 705-707 Johannes VII. 708-708 Sisinnius 708-715 Constantinus 715-731 Gregor II. 731-740 Gregor III. 741-752 Zacharias 752-757 Stephan II. (III.) [752-752 Stephan (II.)] 757-767 Paul I. [767-769 Konstantin II.] [768-768 Philipp] 768-772 Stephan III. (IV.) 772-795 Hadrian I. 795-816 Leo III. 816-817 Stephan IV. (V.) 817-824 Paschalis I. 824-827 Eugen II. 827-827 Valentin 827-844 Gregor IV. 844-847 Sergius II. [844-844 Johannes] 847-855 Leo IV. 855-858 Benedikt III. [855-855 Anastasius] 858-867 Nikolaus I. 867-872 Hadrian II. 872-882 Johannes VIII. 882-884 Marinus I. 884-885 Hadrian III. 885-891 Stephan V. (VI.) 891-896 Formosus 896-896 Bonifatius VI. 896-897 Stephan VI. 897-897 Romanus 897-897 Theodor II. 898-900 Johannes IX. 900-903 Benedikt IV. 903-903 Leo V. [903-904 Christophorus] 904-911 Sergius III. 911-913 Anastasius III. 913-914 Lando 914-928 Johannes X. 928-928 Leo VI. 928-931 Stephan VII. (VIII.) 931-935 Johannes XI. 936-939 Leo VII. 939-942 Stephan VIII. (IX.) 942-946 Marinus II. 946-955 Agapet II. 955-964 Johannes XII. 963-964 Leo VIII. 964-966 Benedikt V. 965-972 Johannes XIII. 973-974 Benedikt VI. [974-974 Bonifatius VII.] 974-983 Benedikt VII. 983-984 Johannes XIV. [984-985 Bonifatius VII.] 985-996 Johannes XV. 996-999 Gregor V. [997-998 Johannes XVI.] 999-1003 Silvester II. 1003-1003 Johannes XVII. 1004-1009 Johannes XVIII. 1009-1012 Sergius IV. 1012-1024 Benedikt VIII. [1012-1012 Gregor] 1024-1032 Johannes XIX. 1032-1044 Benedikt IX. 1045-1045 Silvester III. 1045-1045 Benedikt IX. 1045-1046 Gregor VI. 1046-1047 Clemens II. 1047-1048 Benedikt IX. 1048-1048 Damasus II. 1049-1054 Leo IX. 1055-1057 Victor II. 1057-1058 Stephan IX. [1058-1059 Benedikt X.] 1059-1061 Nikolaus II. 1061-1073 Alexander II. 1061-1072 Honorius II.] 1073-1085 Gregor VII. [1080-1100 Clemens III.] 1086-1087 Victor III. 1088-1099 Urban II. 1099-1118 Paschalis II. [1100-1100 Theodorich] [1102-1102 Albert] [1105-1111 Sylvester IV.] 1118-1119 Gelasius II. [1118-1121 Gregor VIII.] 1119-1124 Calixtus II. 1124-1130 Honorius II. [1124-1124 Coelestin] 1130-1143 Innozenz II. [1130-1138 Anacletus II.] [1138-1138 Viktor IV.] 1143-1144 Coelestin II. 1144-1145 Lucius II. 1145-1153 Eugen III. 1153-1154 Anastasius IV. 1154-1159 Hadrian IV. 1159-1181 Alexander III. [1159-1164 Viktor IV.] [1164-1168 Pascalis III.] [1168-1178 Calixtus III.] [1179-1180 Innozenz III.] 1181-1185 Lucius III. 1185-1187 Urban III. 1187-1187 Gregor VIII. 1187-1191 Clemens III. 1191-1198 Coelestin III. 1198-1216 Innozenz III. 1216-1227 Honorius III. 1227-1241 Gregor IX. 1241-1241 Coelestin IV. 1243-1254 Innozenz IV. 1254-1261 Alexander IV. 1261-1264 Urban IV. 1265-1268 Clemens IV. 1271-1276 Gregor X. 1276-1276 Innozenz V. 1276-1276 Hadrian V. 1276-1277 Johannes XXI. 1277-1280 Nikolaus III. 1280-1285 Martin IV. 1285-1287 Honorius IV. 1288-1292 Nikolaus IV. 1294-1294 Coelestin V. 1294-1303 Bonifatius VIII. 1303-1304 Benedikt XI. 1305-1314 Clemens V. 1316-1334 Johannes XXII. [1328-1330 Nikolaus V.] 1334-1342 Benedikt XII. 1342-1352 Clemens VI. 1352-1362 Innozenz VI. 1362-1370 Urban V. 1370-1378 Gregor XI. 1378-1389 Urban VI. 1389-1404 Bonifatius IX. 1404-1406 Innozenz VII. 1406-1415 Gregor XII. [1378-1394 Clemens VII.] [1394-1417 Benedikt XIII.] [1423-1429 Clemens VIII.] [1409-1410 Alexander V.] [1410-1415 Johannes XXIII.] 1417-1431 Martin V. 1431-1447 Eugen IV. [1439-1449 Felix V.] 1447-1455 Nikolaus V. 1455-1458 Calixtus III. 1458-1464 Pius II. 1464-1471 Paul II. 1471-1484 Sixtus IV. 1484-1492 Innozenz VIII. 1492-1503 Alexander VI. 1503-1503 Pius III. 1503-1513 Julius II. 1513-1521 Leone X. 1522-1523 Hadrian VI. 1523-1534 Clemens VII. 1534-1549 Paul III. 1550-1555 Julius III. 1555-1555 Marcellus II. 1555-1559 Paul IV. 1560-1565 Pius IV. 1566-1572 Pius V. 1572-1585 Gregor XIII. 1585-1590 Sixtus V. 1590-1590 Urban VII. 1590-1591 Gregor XIV. 1591-1591 Innozenz IX. 1592-1605 Clemens VIII. 1605-1605 Leone XI. 1605-1621 Paul V. 1621-1623 Gregor XV. 1623-1644 Urban VIII. 1644-1655 Innozenz X. 1655-1667 Alexander VII. 1667-1669 Clemens IX. 1670-1676 Clemens X. 1676-1689 Innozenz XO. 1689-1691 Alexander VIII. 1691-1700 Innozenz XII. 1700-1721 Clemens XI. 1721-1724 Innozenz XIII. 1724-1730 Benedikt XIII. 1730-1740 Clemens XII. 1740-1758 Benedikt XIV. 1758-1769 Clemens XIII. 1769-1774 Clemens XIV. 1774-1799 Pius VI. 1800-1823 Pius VII. 1823-1829 Leone XII. 1829-1830 Pius VIII. 1834-1846 Gregor XVI. 1846-1878 Pius IX. 1878-1903 Leo XIII. 1903-1914 Pius X. 1914-1922 Benedikt XV. 1922-1939 Pius XI. 1939-1958 Pius XII. 1958-1963 Johannes XXIII. 1963-1978 Paul VI. 1978-1978 Johannes Paul I. 1978- Johannes Paul II.
Explorer Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Konstantinopel: Gründer St. Andreas der Apostel 38-54 Stachys der Apostel 54-68 Onesimus 69-89 Polycarpus I 89-105 Plutarch 105-114 Sedecion 114-129 Diogenes 129-136 Eleutherius 136-141 Felix 141-144 Polycarpus II 144-148 Athendodorus 148-154 Euzois 154-166 Laurentius 166-169 Alypius 169-187 Pertinax 187-198 Olympians 198-211 Marcus I 211-217 Philadelphus 217-230 Ciriacus I 230-237 Castinus 237-242 Eugenius I 242-272 Titus 272-284 Dometius 284-293 Rufinus I 293-306 Probus 306-314 Metrophanes 314-337 Alexander 337-339, 341-342, 346-351 Paul I 339-341 Eusebius von Nicomedia 342-346, 351-360 Macedonius I 360-370 Eudoxius von Antioch 370-379 Demophilus 379 Euagrius 380 Maximus 379-381 Gregor I der Theologe 381-397 Nectarius 398-404 Johannes I Chrysostomos 404-405 Arsacius von Tarsus 406-425 Atticus 426-427 Sisinius I 428-431 Nestorius 431-434 Maximianus 434-446 Proclus 446-449 Phlabianus 449-458 Anatolius 458-471 Gennadius I 471-488 Acacius 488-449 Phrabitas 489-495 Euphemius 495-511 Macedonus II 511-518 Timotheus I 518-520 Johannes II von Cappadocia 520-535 Epiphanius 535-536 Anthimus I 536-552 Menas 552-565, 577-582 Eutychius 565-577 Johannes III Scholasticus 582-595 Johannes IV Nesteutes 596-606 Cyriacus 607-610 Thomas I 610-638 Sergius I 638-641, 654 Pyrrhus I 641-653 Paul II 654-666 Peter 667-669 Thomas II 669-675 Johannes V 675-677 Konstantin I 677-679 Theodorius I 679-686 Georg I 687-693 Paul III 693-705 Callinicus I 705-711 Cyrus 712-715 Johannes VI 715-730 Germanus I 730-754 Anastasius 754-766 Konstantin II 766-780 Nicetas 780-784 Paul IV 784-806 Tarasius 806-815 Nicephorus I 815-821 Theodotus I Cassiteras 821-836 Antonius I 836-843 Johannes VII Grammaticus 843-847 Methodius I 847-858, 867-877 Ignatius I 858-867, 877-886 Photius I der Große 886-893 Stephanus I 893-901 Antonius II Kauleas 901-907, 912-925 Nicholas I Mysticus 907-912 Euthymius I 925-928 Stephanus II 928-931 Tryphon 933-956 Theophylactus 956-970 Polyeuctus 970-974 Basil I Skamandrenus 974-980 Antonius III Studites 984-996 Nicholas II Chrysoberges 996-998 Sisinius II 999-1019 Sergius II 1019-1025 Eustathius 1025-1043 Alexius I Studites 1043-1058 Michael I Cerularius 1059-1063 Konstantin III Lichoudes 1064-1075 Johannes VIII Xiphilinus 1075-1081 Cosmas I 1081-1084 Eustathius Garidas 1084-1111 Nicholas III Grammaticus 1111-1134 Johannes IX Agapetus 1134-1143 Leon Styppes 1143-1146 Michael II Kurkuas 1146-1147 Cosmas II Atticus 1147-1151 Nicholas IV Muzalon 1151-1153 Theodotus II 1153 Neophytus I 1154-1156 Konstantin IV Chliarenus 1156-1169 Lukas Chrysoberges 1170-1177 Michael III von Anchialus 1177-1178 Chariton 1179-1183 Theodosius I Borradiotes 1183-1186 Basil II Camaterus 1186-1189 Nicetas II Muntanes 1189-1190 Leontius Theotokites 1190-1191 Dositheus 1191-1198 Georg II Xiphilinus 1198-1206 Johannes X Camaterus 1207-1213 Michael IV Autoreianus 1213-1215 Theodorius II Eirenicus 1215 Maximus II 1215-1222 Manuel I Charitopoulos 1222-1240 Germanus II 1240 Methodius II 1244-1255 Manuel II 1255-1259, 1261-1267 Arsenius Autoreianus 1260-1261 Nicephorus II 1267 Germanus III 1267-1275 Josef I Galesiotes 1275-1282 Johannes XI Bekkos 1283-1289 Gregor II Cyprius 1289-1293, 1303-1309 Athanasius I 1294-1303 Johannes XII 1310-1314 Nephon I 1315-1320 Johannes XIII Glykys 1320-1321 Gerasimus I 1323-1334 Jesaias 1334-1347 Johannes XIV Kalekas 1347-1350 Isidor 1350-1354, 1355-1363 Callistus I 1354-1355, 1364-1376 Philotheus Kokkinos 1376-1379, 1390-1391 Macarius 1379-1388 Neilus Kerameus 1389-1390, 1391-1397 Antonius IV 1397 Callistus II Xanthopoulos 1397-1410 Matthäus I 1410-1416 Euthymius II 1416-1439 Josef II 1440-1443 Metrophanes II 1443-1450 Gregor III Mammas 1450-1453 Athanasius II 1453-1456, 1458, 1462-1463 Gennadius II Scholarius 1456-1457 Isidor II Xanthopoulos 1463-1464 Sophronius I Syropoulos 1464 Gennadius 1464, 1464-1466 Ioasaph 1466 Marcus II 1466, 1471-1474, 1481-1486 Symeon I 1466-1471, 1489-1491 Dionysius I 1475-1476 Raphael I 1476-1481 Maximus III 1486-1488, 1497-1498, 1502 Nephon II 1491-1497 Maximus IV 1498-1502, 1504 Joachim I 1503-1504, 1504-1513 Pachomius I 1513-1522 Theoleptus I 1522-1545 Jeremias I 1546 Joannicus I 1546-1555 Dionysius II 1555-1565 Joasaph II 1565-1572, 1579-1580 Metrophanes III 1572-1579, 1580-1584, 1587-1595 Jeremias II Tranos 1584-1585 Pachomius II 1585-1586 Theoleptus II 1596, 1598-1602, 1603 Matthäus II 1596 Gabriel I 1597 Theophanes I Karykes 1602-1603, 1607-1612 Neophytus II 1603-1607 Raphael II 1612-1620 Timotheus 1612, 1620-1635, 1637-1638 Cyril I Lucaris 1623 Gregorius IV 1623 Anthimus 1633, 1635-1636, 1638-1639 Cyril II Kontares 1634 Athanasius III Patelaros 1636-1637 Neophytus III 1639-1644 Parthenius I 1644-1646, 1648-1651 Parthenius II 1646-1648, 1651-1652, 1653-1654, 1655-1656 Joannicius II 1652, 1654 Cyril III 1652-1653, 1654-1655 Paisius I 1656-1657 Parthenius III 1657 Gabriel II 1657-1662, 1665-1667, 1671, 1675-1676, 1684-1685 Parthenius IV 1662-1665 Dionysius III 1667 Clemens 1668-1671 Methodius III 1671-1673, 1676-1679, 1682-1684, 1686-1687, 1693-1694 Dionysus IV Muselimes 1673-1674 Gerasimus II 1679 Athanasius IV 1679-1682, 1685-1686, 1687-1688 Jakob 1688-1693, 1694-1702 Callinicus II 1688 Neophytus IV 1702-1707 Gabriel III 1707 Neophytus V 1707-1709, 1713-1714 Cyprianus I 1709-1711 Athanasius V 1711-1713 Cyril IV 1714-1716 Cosmas III 1716-1726, 1732-1733 Jeremias III 1726-1732, 1740-1748 Paisius II 1733-1734 Serapheim I 1734-1740, 1743-1744 Neophytus VI 1748-1757 Cyril V 1757 Callinicus III 1757-1761 Serapheim II 1761-1763 Joannicius III 1763-1768, 1773-1774 Samuel I Chatzeres 1768-1769 Meletius II 1769-1773 Theodosius II 1774-1780 Sophoronius II 1780-1785 Gabriel IV 1785-1789 Procopius I 1789-1794, 1798-1801 Neophytus VII 794-1797 Gerasimus III 1797-1798, 1806-1808, 1818-1821 Gregor V 1801-1806, 1808-1809 Callinicus IV 1809-1813 Jeremias IV 1813-1818 Cyril VI 1821-1822 Eugenius II 1822-1824 Anthimos III 1824-1826 Chrysanthos I 1826-1830 Agathangelos I 1830-1834 Constantios I 1834-1835 Constantios II 1835-1840, 1867-1871 Gregor VI 1840-1841, 1848-1852 Anthimos IV 1841-1842 Anthimos V 1842-1845, 1852-1853 Germanos IV 1845 Meletios III 1845-1848, 1853-1855, 1871-1873 Anthimos VI 1855-1860 Cyril VII 1860-1863, 1873-1878 Joachim II 1863-1866 Sophronios III 1878-1884, 1901-1912 Joachim III 1884-1887 Joachim IV 1887-1891 Dionysios V 1891-1894 Neophytos VIII 1895-1897 Anthimos VII 1897-1901 Konstantin V 1913-1918 Germanos V 1921-1923 Meletios IV Metaxakis 1923-1924 Gregor VII 1924-1925 Konstantin VI 1925-1929 Basil III 1929-1935 Photios II 1936-1946 Benjamin I 1946-1948 Maximos V 1948-1972 Athenagoras 1972-1991 Demetrios I 1991- Bartholomaios I
Explorer Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Alexandria: 42 - 62 Markos 62 - 84 Anianos 84 - 98 Avilios 98 - 109 Kedron 109 - 121 Primos 121 - 131 Ioustos 131 - 143 Eumenis 143 - 154 Markos II 154 - 167 Keladion 167 - 180 Agrippinos 180 - 189 Ioulianos 189 - 231 Dimitrios 231 - 247 Heraklas 248 - 265 Dionysios 265 - 282 Maximos 282 - 300 Theonas 300 - 311 Petros I 312 - 313 Achillas 313 - 326 Alexandros I 326 - 373 Athanasios I 373 - 380 Petros II 380 - 385 Timotheos I 385 - 412 Thefilos 412 - 444 Kyrillos I 444 - 451 Dioskoros I Weiter geht meine Liste leider nicht!
Gast Corinna Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Schau mal unter http://www.pro-oriente.at
HAbeNUs Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2001 Zitat von EXPLORER am 17:54 - 18.Juni.2001 Aber gern doch: Rom: † 67 († 64?) Petrus 67-76 Linus 76-88 Cletus 88-97 Clemens I. 97-105 Evaristus 105-115 Alexander I. 115-125 Sixtus I. 125-126 Telesphorus 136-140 Hyginus 140-155 Pius I. 155-166 Anicetus 166-175 Soter 175-189 Eleutherus 189-199 Victor I. 199-217 Zephyrinus 217-222 Calixtus I. [217-235 Hippolytus] 222-230 Urban I. 230-235 Pontianus 235-236 Anteros 236-250 Fabianus 250-253 Cornelius [251-258 Novatian] 253-254 Lucius I. 254-257 Stephan I. 257-258 Sixtus II. 259-268 Dionysius 268-274 Felix I. 275-283 Eutychianus 283-296 Cajus 296-304 Marcellinus 304-309 Marcellus I. 310-310 Eusebius 311-314 Miltiades 314-335 Silvester I. 336-336 Markus 337-352 Julius I. 352-366 Liberius [355-365 Felix II.] 366-384 Damasus I. [366-367 Ursinus] 384-399 Siricius 399-401 Anastasius I. 402-417 Innozenz I. 417-418 Zosimus 418-422 Bonifatius I. [418-419 Eulalius] 422-432 Coelestin I. 432-440 Sixtus III. 440-461 Leo I. 461-468 Hilarus 468-483 Simplicius 483-492 Felix III. 492-496 Gelasius I. 496-498 Anastasius II. 498-514 Symmachus [498-505 Laurentius] 514-523 Hormisdas 523-526 Johannes I. 526-530 Felix IV. 530-532 Bonifatius II. [530-530 Dioskurus] 533-535 Johannes II. 535-536 Agapet I. 536-537 Silverius 537-555 Vigilius 556-561 Pelagius I. 561-574 Johannes III. 575-579 Benedikt I. 579-590 Pelagius II. 590-604 Gregor I. 604-606 Sabinian 607-607 Bonifatius III. 608-615 Bonifatius IV. 615-618 Adeodatus I. 619-625 Bonifatius V. 625-638 Honorius I. 640-640 Severinus 640-642 Johannes IV. 642-649 Theodor I. 649-653 Martin I. 654-657 Eugen I. 657-672 Vitalianus 672-676 Adedodatus II. 676-678 Donus 678-681 Agatho 682-683 Leo II. 684-685 Benedikt II. 685-686 Johannes V. 686-687 Konon 687-701 Sergius I. [687-687 Theodor] [687-692 Paschalis] 701-705 Johannes VI. 705-707 Johannes VII. 708-708 Sisinnius 708-715 Constantinus 715-731 Gregor II. 731-740 Gregor III. 741-752 Zacharias 752-757 Stephan II. (III.) [752-752 Stephan (II.)] 757-767 Paul I. [767-769 Konstantin II.] [768-768 Philipp] 768-772 Stephan III. (IV.) 772-795 Hadrian I. 795-816 Leo III. 816-817 Stephan IV. (V.) 817-824 Paschalis I. 824-827 Eugen II. 827-827 Valentin 827-844 Gregor IV. 844-847 Sergius II. [844-844 Johannes] 847-855 Leo IV. 855-858 Benedikt III. [855-855 Anastasius] 858-867 Nikolaus I. 867-872 Hadrian II. 872-882 Johannes VIII. 882-884 Marinus I. 884-885 Hadrian III. 885-891 Stephan V. (VI.) 891-896 Formosus 896-896 Bonifatius VI. 896-897 Stephan VI. 897-897 Romanus 897-897 Theodor II. 898-900 Johannes IX. 900-903 Benedikt IV. 903-903 Leo V. [903-904 Christophorus] 904-911 Sergius III. 911-913 Anastasius III. 913-914 Lando 914-928 Johannes X. 928-928 Leo VI. 928-931 Stephan VII. (VIII.) 931-935 Johannes XI. 936-939 Leo VII. 939-942 Stephan VIII. (IX.) 942-946 Marinus II. 946-955 Agapet II. 955-964 Johannes XII. 963-964 Leo VIII. 964-966 Benedikt V. 965-972 Johannes XIII. 973-974 Benedikt VI. [974-974 Bonifatius VII.] 974-983 Benedikt VII. 983-984 Johannes XIV. [984-985 Bonifatius VII.] 985-996 Johannes XV. 996-999 Gregor V. [997-998 Johannes XVI.] 999-1003 Silvester II. 1003-1003 Johannes XVII. 1004-1009 Johannes XVIII. 1009-1012 Sergius IV. 1012-1024 Benedikt VIII. [1012-1012 Gregor] 1024-1032 Johannes XIX. 1032-1044 Benedikt IX. 1045-1045 Silvester III. 1045-1045 Benedikt IX. 1045-1046 Gregor VI. 1046-1047 Clemens II. 1047-1048 Benedikt IX. 1048-1048 Damasus II. 1049-1054 Leo IX. 1055-1057 Victor II. 1057-1058 Stephan IX. [1058-1059 Benedikt X.] 1059-1061 Nikolaus II. 1061-1073 Alexander II. 1061-1072 Honorius II.] 1073-1085 Gregor VII. [1080-1100 Clemens III.] 1086-1087 Victor III. 1088-1099 Urban II. 1099-1118 Paschalis II. [1100-1100 Theodorich] [1102-1102 Albert] [1105-1111 Sylvester IV.] 1118-1119 Gelasius II. [1118-1121 Gregor VIII.] 1119-1124 Calixtus II. 1124-1130 Honorius II. [1124-1124 Coelestin] 1130-1143 Innozenz II. [1130-1138 Anacletus II.] [1138-1138 Viktor IV.] 1143-1144 Coelestin II. 1144-1145 Lucius II. 1145-1153 Eugen III. 1153-1154 Anastasius IV. 1154-1159 Hadrian IV. 1159-1181 Alexander III. [1159-1164 Viktor IV.] [1164-1168 Pascalis III.] [1168-1178 Calixtus III.] [1179-1180 Innozenz III.] 1181-1185 Lucius III. 1185-1187 Urban III. 1187-1187 Gregor VIII. 1187-1191 Clemens III. 1191-1198 Coelestin III. 1198-1216 Innozenz III. 1216-1227 Honorius III. 1227-1241 Gregor IX. 1241-1241 Coelestin IV. 1243-1254 Innozenz IV. 1254-1261 Alexander IV. 1261-1264 Urban IV. 1265-1268 Clemens IV. 1271-1276 Gregor X. 1276-1276 Innozenz V. 1276-1276 Hadrian V. 1276-1277 Johannes XXI. 1277-1280 Nikolaus III. 1280-1285 Martin IV. 1285-1287 Honorius IV. 1288-1292 Nikolaus IV. 1294-1294 Coelestin V. 1294-1303 Bonifatius VIII. 1303-1304 Benedikt XI. 1305-1314 Clemens V. 1316-1334 Johannes XXII. [1328-1330 Nikolaus V.] 1334-1342 Benedikt XII. 1342-1352 Clemens VI. 1352-1362 Innozenz VI. 1362-1370 Urban V. 1370-1378 Gregor XI. 1378-1389 Urban VI. 1389-1404 Bonifatius IX. 1404-1406 Innozenz VII. 1406-1415 Gregor XII. [1378-1394 Clemens VII.] [1394-1417 Benedikt XIII.] [1423-1429 Clemens VIII.] [1409-1410 Alexander V.] [1410-1415 Johannes XXIII.] 1417-1431 Martin V. 1431-1447 Eugen IV. [1439-1449 Felix V.] 1447-1455 Nikolaus V. 1455-1458 Calixtus III. 1458-1464 Pius II. 1464-1471 Paul II. 1471-1484 Sixtus IV. 1484-1492 Innozenz VIII. 1492-1503 Alexander VI. 1503-1503 Pius III. 1503-1513 Julius II. 1513-1521 Leone X. 1522-1523 Hadrian VI. 1523-1534 Clemens VII. 1534-1549 Paul III. 1550-1555 Julius III. 1555-1555 Marcellus II. 1555-1559 Paul IV. 1560-1565 Pius IV. 1566-1572 Pius V. 1572-1585 Gregor XIII. 1585-1590 Sixtus V. 1590-1590 Urban VII. 1590-1591 Gregor XIV. 1591-1591 Innozenz IX. 1592-1605 Clemens VIII. 1605-1605 Leone XI. 1605-1621 Paul V. 1621-1623 Gregor XV. 1623-1644 Urban VIII. 1644-1655 Innozenz X. 1655-1667 Alexander VII. 1667-1669 Clemens IX. 1670-1676 Clemens X. 1676-1689 Innozenz XO. 1689-1691 Alexander VIII. 1691-1700 Innozenz XII. 1700-1721 Clemens XI. 1721-1724 Innozenz XIII. 1724-1730 Benedikt XIII. 1730-1740 Clemens XII. 1740-1758 Benedikt XIV. 1758-1769 Clemens XIII. 1769-1774 Clemens XIV. 1774-1799 Pius VI. 1800-1823 Pius VII. 1823-1829 Leone XII. 1829-1830 Pius VIII. 1834-1846 Gregor XVI. 1846-1878 Pius IX. 1878-1903 Leo XIII. 1903-1914 Pius X. 1914-1922 Benedikt XV. 1922-1939 Pius XI. 1939-1958 Pius XII. 1958-1963 Johannes XXIII. 1963-1978 Paul VI. 1978-1978 Johannes Paul I. 1978- Johannes Paul II. Waaahnsinn, gibt´s für Dich eigentlich noch ein Leben ausserhalb der Tastatur?
Explorer Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 Zitat von HAbeNUs am 18:17 - 18.Juni.2001 Waaahnsinn, gibt´s für Dich eigentlich noch ein Leben ausserhalb der Tastatur? Ach, für sowas bin ich immer gut. Im Moment bin ich sogar relativ selten am PC!
Explorer Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 Und hier kommt auch schon Antiochia: 37-67St. Peter the Apostle 67-68 St. Evodius 68-107St. Ignatius I, the Illuminator 107-127 St. Heron 127-154 St. Korneilos 154-169 St. Heros 169-182 St. Theophilos 182-191 St. Maximos I 191-211 St. Seraphion 211-220St. Ascelpiadis the Confessor 220-231 Philitus 231-237 Zbina 237-251 St. Babulas the Martyr 254-551 Fabius 254-260 S. Demetrianos 260-268 Paul I of Samosate 268-273 Domnus I 273-282 Timos 283-303 Cyrille I 304-314 Tyrannos 314-320 Vitalis 320-323 St. Philogone 323-324 Paulinos of Tyre 324-337 Ostatheous The Arians took control of the See of Antioch and appointed the following Patriarchs: 331-333 Eulalius 333-334 Euphornius 334-342 Philaclus 342-344 Stephanos 344-357 Leonce 358-359 Eudoxyos 360 Euzoios 360-381 Malatius 381-404 St. Flavin I 404-412 Porphyros 412-417 Alexander 417-428 Theodotos 428-442 John I 442-499 Domnus II 449-455 Maximos II Maximos abdicated and the Chalcedonians seized control over the See of Antioch and appointed the following Patriarchs: 456-458 Basil 458-459 Aqaq 459-468 Martoros 468-488Peter II the Fuller (Qassar??) 488-498 Bladius 498-512 Flavin II 512-538 St. Severius the Great The Chalcedonians took control of the See of Antioch in 518 and sent Mor Severius to exile and appointed the following Patriarchs whose line continues in the form of the Byznatine (Antiochene Orthodox) Patriarchate: 518-521 Paul the Jew 521-528 Euphrosius 528-546 Ephrem of Amid Six years after the death of Mor Severius, Sargius of Tella became the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch. 544-546 Sargius of Tella During this turbulent time, the Holy See remained vacant for 4 years. 550-575 Paul II of Alexandria the Black He was deposed in 575 for joining the Chalcedonians. The Holy See remained vacant for the next few years. 581-591 Peter III of Raqqa 595-591 Julian I 595-631Athanasius I bar Gamolo 631-648 John II of the Sedre 649-667 Theodore 667-681 Severius II bar Masqeh 683-686 Athanasius II 686-708 Julian II 709-723 Elie I 724-740 Athanasius III 740-754 Iwanis I After the death of Iwanis, two Patriarchs were appointed at the behest of the Caliph: 754-? Euwanis I ?-758 Athanasius al-Sandali 758-790 George I 790-792 Joseph 793-817 Quriaqos of Takrit 817-845Dionysius I of Tellmahreh 846-873 John III 878-883 Ignatius II 887-896Theodosius Romanos of Takrit 897-909 Dionysius II 910-922 John IV Qurzahli 923-935 Basil I 936-953 John V 954-957 Iwanis II 958-961 Dionysius III 962-963 Abraham I 965-985 John VI Sarigta 986-1002 Athanasius IV of Salah 1004-1033 John VII bar Abdun 1034-1044 Dionysius IV Yahya Due to internal conflicts within the Church, the Holy See was vacant for the next few years. 1049-1057 John VIII 1058 -1063 Athanasius V 1063-1073 John IX bar Shushan 1074-1075 Baselius II After the death of Baselius, John Abdun got himself appointed Patriarch and caused trouble in the Church. He was deposed but continued causing trouble until 1091. 1077-1078 Dionysius V Lazaros 1080-1082 Iwanis III 1088-1090 Dionysius VI 1091-1129Athanasius VI bar Khamoro 1129-1137 John X bar Mawdyono 1138-1166Athanasius VII bar Qutreh 1166-1199 Michael I the Great 1200-1207 Athanasius VIII 1208-1220 John XI 1222-1252 Ignatius III David 1252-1263 John XII bar Ma`dani 1264-1282 Ignatius IV Yeshu 1283-1292 Philoxenos I Nemrud 1292-1312 Michael II 1312-1394 Michael III Yeshu 1394-1387 Baselius III Gabriel 1387-1421Philoxenos II the Writer 1421-1444 Baselius IV Shem`un 1445-1454Ignatius Behnam al-Hadli 1455-1483 Ignatius Khalaf 1483-1493 Ignatius John XIII 1493-1509Ignatius Nuh of Lebanon 1493-15101509-1512 Ignatius Yeshu I 1512-1517 Ignatius Jacob I 1517-1520 Ignatius David I 1520-1557 Ignatius Abd-Allah I 1557-1576Ignatius Ne`met Allah I 1576-1591 Ignatius David II Shah 1591-1597 Ignatius Pilate I 1597-1639Ignatius Hadayat Allah 1640-1659 Ignatius Simon I 1659-1662Ignatius Yeshu II Qamsheh 1662-1686Ignatius Abdul Masih I 1687-1708 Ignatius George II 1709-1722 Ignatius Isaac Azar 1722-1745Ignatius Shukr Allah II 1745-1768 Ignatius George III 1768-1781 Ignatius George IV 1782-1817 Ignatius Matthew 1817-1818Ignatius Yunan 1819-1837 Ignatius George V 1838-1847 Ignatius Elias II 1847-1871 Ignatius Jacob II 1872-1894 Ignatius Peter IV 1895-1905 Ignatius Abdul Masih II Abdul Masih was deposed in 1905. 1906-1915 Ignatius Abd Allah II 1917-1932 Ignatius Elias III 1933-1957 Ignatius Afram I Barsoum 1957-1980 Ignatius Jacob III 1980- Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
Explorer Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 19. Juni 2001 So, jetzt noch Jerusalem, dann haben wir's geschafft: c. 27-62: Jakob, der Bruder des Herrn 62 ?-107: Symeon Justos I Zacchaeos Tobias Benjamin 117-1 ?: Johannes I Matthias Philipp Seneca Justos II Levi Ephres Josef Judas Markus Kassian Publios Maximus I Julian I Gaius I Symmachus Gaius II Julian II Capitus Maximus II Antoninus Valens Dolichian Narcissus Dios Germanus Gordion Alexander Mazbenes 260-298 : Hymenaios 298-300 : Zabdas 300-314 : Hermon (Hermas) 314-333 : Makarius I 333-350/1 : Maximus II 350/1 : Herakleios 350/1-386 : Cyril I [Eutychius] [ireneaus ] [Hilarios] 386-417 : Johannes II 417-422 : Praylios 422-458 : Juvenalis aft. 451-457 : Theodosius der Monophysite 458-478 : Anastasius I 478-486 : Martyrios 486-494 : Salust 494-516 : Elijah I 516-524 : Johannes III 524-552 : Peter 552-575 : Makarios II 552-563/4 : Eustochius, oder Eustychius 563/4-c. 575 : Makarios II 574-594 : Johannes IV (Moschos) 594-601 : Amos 601-609 : Isaak, oder Hesychios 609-631 : Zachariah 632-633/4 : Modestus 633/4-638 : Sophronios I 638-750 : Vakant 638-c. 650 : Georg ? -668 : Theodor I 668- ? : Anastasius II ? c. 692-705 : Johannes V 705-735 : Theodor II 735-770 : Elijah II vor 787-797? : Theodosius 807 od. früher- ? : Georg 807-821 : Thomas 821-839 : Basil 839-843 : Johannes VI 843-859 : Sergius I 860-865 : Salamon 867-c. 878 : Theodosius c. 878-907 : Elijah III 907-912 : Sergius II 912-929 : Leontius I 929-937 : Athanasius I 937-951 : Christodoulos I 951-964 : Agatho 964-966 : Johannes VII 966-969 : Christodoulos II 969-979 : Thomas II 980-983/4 : Joseph II 983/4-985 : Agapios 986-1006 : Orestes 1012-1020 : Theophilus I 1020-nach1048 : Nicephorus I 1048-1059 : Ioannicius 1059-1076 : Sophronius II fl. aft. 1083 ? : Euthymius I bfr. 1092-1099 : Simeon II c. 1099-1106/7 : Johannes VIII fl. c. 1117/8 : Sabas 1122-1156 : Nicholas fl. c. 1157 : Johannes IX 1166-1171 : Nicephorus II 1174/5-1184/5 : Leontius II bfr. 1187-1189 : Dositheus I 1189/90-1195 : Markus II c. 1222 : Euthymius ? -1235 ? : Athanasios II Sophronios III c. 1273-c. 1285 : Gregor I -1296 ? : Thaddeus c. 1303-bfr. 1308 : Athanasius III fl. c. bfr. 1309 : Gabriel Voulas fl. c. 1309 : Athanasius III c. 1322 : Gregor II Lazarus : fl. c. 1341 : Gerasimus bfr. 1341-c. 1367 : Lazarus c. 1377/8-1402/12 : Dorotheus I fl. btwn. 1419-1424 : Theophilus ? -1430 ? : Theophanes II 1437 ?-1464 ? : Joachim fl. c. 1468 : Abraham fl. c. 1482 : Jakobus Gregor fl. c. 1505 : Markus 1506-1537 : Dorotheos II 1537-1579 : Germanus I 1579-1608 : Sophronius IV 1608-1644 : Theophanes III 1645-1660 : Paisius 1660-1669 : Nectarius 1669-1707 : Dositheos II 1707-1731 : Chrysanthus 1731-1737 : Miletius 1737-1766 : Parthenius 1766-1771 : Ephraim II 1771-1775 : Sophronius V 1775-1787 : Avramius 1787-1788 : Procopius I 1788-1808 : Anthemus 1808-1827 : Polycarp 1827-1845 : Athanasius V 1845-1872 : Cyril II 1872-1875 : Procopius II 1875-1882 : Hierotheus 1883-1890 : Nicodemus 1891-1896 : Gerasimus 1897-1931 : Damian 1931-1935 : Topoteretes 1935-1956 : Timotheus 1957-1980 : Benedikt 1981- : Diodorus I
Stefan M. Geschrieben 20. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 20. Juni 2001 Was ist denn mit den Erzbischöfen, die einen Patriarchalsitz inne haben. Da gibt´s ja noch z.B. Venedig und Lissabon, die Erzbischöfe werden als "Patriarchen" bezeichnet. Fragende Grüße
Explorer Geschrieben 20. Juni 2001 Melden Geschrieben 20. Juni 2001 Das sind aber nur sog "Patriarches minores", die nicht zu den 5 alten Patriarchaten gehören! Vielleicth finde ich die Listen irgenwo!
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