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You scored as Evangelical Catholic.


You are a Protestant convert, or have been affected by evangelical Protestantism in some way. You love Scripture and incorporate into your daily life. You have a clear vision of Catholic morals and doctrines, and you make great effort to adhere to them. However, your interpretation of Scripture may not be in line with Catholic teaching, and you may not accept legitimate plurality in doctrinal expression. You might want to read the Fathers of the Church and Papal encyclicals to deepen your Catholicism.


Evangelical Catholic



Liberal Catholic



Lukewarm Catholic



Radical Catholic



Traditional Catholic



Neo-Conservative Catholic



New Catholic



Hmmm, das ist das evangelischste, was ich hingekriegt hab... B)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
You scored as New Catholic. The years following the Second Vatican Council was a time of collapse of the Catholic faith and its traditions. But you are a young person who has rediscovered this lost faith, probably due to the evangelization of Pope John Paul II. You are enthusiastic, refreshing, and somewhat traditional, and you may be considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. You reject relativism and the decline in society that you see among your peers. You are seen as being good for the Church.


A possible problem is that you may have a too narrow a view of orthodoxy, and anyway, you are still a youth and not yet mature in your faith.


New Catholic ---------------- 45%

Liberal Catholic -------------- 43%

Traditional Catholic ---------- 36%

adical Catholic ------------- 33%

Neo-Conservative Catholic --- 26%

Evangelical Catholic --------- 24%

Lukewarm Catholic ----------- 7%


Wow - ich bin 214 % katholisch *angeb*


Christianity 83%

agnosticism 54%

Buddhism 46%

Judaism 46%

Islam 33%

Paganism 17%

Hinduism 8%

Satanism 8%

atheism 4%


aber nur 83% christlich - ein Schelm wer dabei böses denkt B)

bearbeitet von Kulti

Evangelical Catholic

You are a Protestant convert, or have been affected by evangelical Protestantism in some way. You love Scripture and incorporate into your daily life. You have a clear vision of Catholic morals and doctrines, and you make great effort to adhere to them.


However, your interpretation of Scripture may not be in line with Catholic teaching, and you may not accept legitimate plurality in doctrinal expression. You might want to read the Fathers of the Church and Papal encyclicals to deepen your Catholicism.


Evangelical Catholic : 78%

Radical Catholic : 74%

Traditional Catholic : 62%

New Catholic : 62%

Liberal Catholic : 62%

Neo-Conservative Catholic : 29%

Lukewarm Catholic : 2%



Na ja... ich bin zumindest alles außer lauwarm... gut zu wissen...

Auch interessant das hier zu lesen, denn etwa die Hälfte meiner Familie ist evangelisch.





You scored as Christianity.

Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian. Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.


Christianity 79%

Judaism 68%

Buddhism 54%

Paganism 50%

Islam 38%

Hinduism 38%

Satanism 25%

agnosticism 17%

atheism 17%



Da hab ich ja nen ziemlich hohen Wert für das Christentum (aber nicht hoch genug, wie ich finde) und einen auch sehr hohen Wert für das Judentum (höher als ich gedacht hatte)... 25% Satanismus???

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Da hab ich ja nen ziemlich hohen Wert für das Christentum (aber nicht hoch genug, wie ich finde) und einen auch sehr hohen Wert für das Judentum (höher als ich gedacht hatte)... 25% Satanismus???


Mit den 25% Satanismus befindest Du Dich in nester Gesellschaft. Satanismus ist allerdings eine weithin missverstandene Religion, weil viele glauben, dass Satanisten den christlichen Satan verehren, und nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein.

bearbeitet von Volker

Ha! Sogar Volker hat mehr Islam (42%) als Janet (38%)!!


You scored as Christianity.


Christianity 83%

Buddhism 46%

Judaism 25%

Paganism 25%

Islam 25%

agnosticism 25%

Hinduism 21%

Satanism 21%

atheism 0%


Soweit mein Test. Witzig finde ich, dass Buddhismus an zweiter Stelle steht. Ein wenig beunruhigen tut mich dann doch der Satanismus... :ph34r:

Da hab ich ja nen ziemlich hohen Wert für das Christentum (aber nicht hoch genug, wie ich finde) und einen auch sehr hohen Wert für das Judentum (höher als ich gedacht hatte)... 25% Satanismus???


Mit den 25% Satanismus befindest Du Dich in nester Gesellschaft. Satanismus ist allerdings eine weithin missverstandene Religion, weil viele glauben, dass Satanisten den christlichen Satan verehren, und nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein.


Naja, ich glaube in solchen Tests reicht eine gesunde Portion Lebensfreude schon, um als antichristlich (also satanistisch) durchzugehen. B)

You are "Radical" in its Catholic sense -- from the Latin word radix, or root. You are not just a "church person" but you are a disciple of Christ, making a total commitment to the Gospel, to voluntary poverty, and self-sacrifice for others. You give without counting the cost. You need to be sure that you remain obedient to the Church and your superiors, and do not consider yourself a prophet or become elitist. Try to make good examinations of conscience and to be humble. http://saint-louis.blogspot.com - Rome of the West


Radical Catholic 64%


Evangelical Catholic 62%


New Catholic 48%


Traditional Catholic 40%


Liberal Catholic 38%


Lukewarm Catholic 24%


Neo-Conservative Catholic 14%


Da seht Ihr's: Ich bin radikal und kaum liberal. Und immerhin 14% neokonservativ.


You scored as Evangelical Catholic.


You are a Protestant convert, or have been affected by evangelical Protestantism in some way. You love Scripture and incorporate into your daily life. You have a clear vision of Catholic morals and doctrines, and you make great effort to adhere to them. However, your interpretation of Scripture may not be in line with Catholic teaching, and you may not accept legitimate plurality in doctrinal expression. You might want to read the Fathers of the Church and Papal encyclicals to deepen your Catholicism.


Evangelical Catholic 100%


New Catholic 90%


Traditional Catholic 86%


Radical Catholic 79%


Liberal Catholic 71%


Neo-Conservative Catholic 50%


Lukewarm Catholic 0%



Meine Testergebnisse.



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