Petur Geschrieben 5. März 2009 Melden Geschrieben 5. März 2009 Hallo! "Order of Corporate Reunion"-Was für eine Gemeinschaft kann das sein? "The Order of Corporate Reunion promotes Christian Unity through prayer and action. The Order is an association of clergy and laity dedicated to the idea that the Patriarch of the West is the Center of Christian Unity. (...) The Order was founded by the Reverends Frederick George Lee, Thomas Mossman and Joseph Seccombe in 1874 in London and it was officially promulgated in 1877 after their consecrations. Lee was pastor of All Saints Church in Lambeth. Lee, Mossman and Seccombe were consecrated bishops in 1877 and were instrumental in providing valid orders to clergy of the Anglican church at a time when their orders seemed to be under question. The line of succession of the Order of Corporate Reunion is still extant today and is treasured and protected by our clergy members." Das Interessanteste (Hervorhebung von mir): "OCR Apostolic Succession The Roman Catholic Church through the Order of Corporate Reunion (O.C.R.) (1) + Dominicus Cardinal Agostino (CardinalPatriarch of Venice), assisted by + Luigi Cardinal Nazari di Calabiana (Archbishop of Milan), + Vincentius Cardinal Moretti, and + Ignatios Ghiurekian (a Byzantine Catholic Archbishop and Abbot-General of Ordo Mechitaristarum Venetiarum from the Island of Saint Lazarus near Venice) in 1877, acting under the authorization of Pope Pius IX, consecrated + Frederick George Lee, + Thomas Wimberley Mossman, and + John Thomas Seccombe." Röm.-kath. Bischöfe weihen anglikanische Priester zu Bischöfen, mit päpstlicher Erlaubnis... Ist eine derartige Bischofsweihe wirklich vorstellbar? Noch ein Link zum Thema: Alles Gute! Petur
Inigo Geschrieben 22. März 2009 Melden Geschrieben 22. März 2009 Hallo! "Order of Corporate Reunion"-Was für eine Gemeinschaft kann das sein? "The Order of Corporate Reunion promotes Christian Unity through prayer and action. The Order is an association of clergy and laity dedicated to the idea that the Patriarch of the West is the Center of Christian Unity. (...) The Order was founded by the Reverends Frederick George Lee, Thomas Mossman and Joseph Seccombe in 1874 in London and it was officially promulgated in 1877 after their consecrations. Lee was pastor of All Saints Church in Lambeth. Lee, Mossman and Seccombe were consecrated bishops in 1877 and were instrumental in providing valid orders to clergy of the Anglican church at a time when their orders seemed to be under question. The line of succession of the Order of Corporate Reunion is still extant today and is treasured and protected by our clergy members." Das Interessanteste (Hervorhebung von mir): "OCR Apostolic Succession The Roman Catholic Church through the Order of Corporate Reunion (O.C.R.) (1) + Dominicus Cardinal Agostino (CardinalPatriarch of Venice), assisted by + Luigi Cardinal Nazari di Calabiana (Archbishop of Milan), + Vincentius Cardinal Moretti, and + Ignatios Ghiurekian (a Byzantine Catholic Archbishop and Abbot-General of Ordo Mechitaristarum Venetiarum from the Island of Saint Lazarus near Venice) in 1877, acting under the authorization of Pope Pius IX, consecrated + Frederick George Lee, + Thomas Wimberley Mossman, and + John Thomas Seccombe." Röm.-kath. Bischöfe weihen anglikanische Priester zu Bischöfen, mit päpstlicher Erlaubnis... Ist eine derartige Bischofsweihe wirklich vorstellbar? Noch ein Link zum Thema: Alles Gute! Petur Da sind sicher die Altkatholiken gemeint. Die Anglikanische Kirche ist traditionell als solche im Prinzip vom Glauben her katholisch, nur den Papst haben sie eben nicht mehr anerkannt. Interessanterweise ging es damals auch schon um eine Ehescheidung. Das ist eine ganz andere Problematik als z.B die lutherischen Kirchen, wo eine ganze Menge andere Probleme vorher noch zu klären wären. Ich habe auf verschiedenen Webseiten das Statement gesehen, daß seit 1969 alle anglikanischen Bischöfe unter altkatholischer Beteiligung geweiht wurden, um die apostolische Sukzession zu sichern. Das wird dann wohl stimmen. Ich glaube aber nicht, daß das wirklich notwendig war. Die Altkatholiken haben sich nach dem Vatikanum I abgespalten, erkennen die Unfehlbarkeit nicht an und die Priester dürfen heiraten etc. Wikipedia: The Catholic Church has always taught that bishops are descended from a continuous line of bishops since the days of the apostles, which is known as apostolic succession. Since Pope Leo XIII issued the bull Apostolicae Curae in 1896, the Catholic Church has not recognised Anglican orders as valid because of changes in the ordination rites that took place in the 16th century as well as divergence in the understanding of the theology of episcopacy and Eucharist. However, this view has since been complicated because Old Catholic bishops, whose orders are fully recognised as valid by Rome, have acted as co-consecrators in Anglican episcopal consecrations. According to the church historian Timothy Dufort, by 1969, all Church of England bishops had acquired Old Catholic lines of apostolic succession fully recognised by the Holy See.[17]
Petur Geschrieben 23. März 2009 Autor Melden Geschrieben 23. März 2009 Danke für Deine Antwort, hier geht es aber tatsächlich nicht um die Altkatholiken.
Petrus Geschrieben 23. März 2009 Melden Geschrieben 23. März 2009 "The Order of Corporate Reunion promotes Christian Unity through prayer and action. The Order is an association of clergy and laity dedicated to the idea that the Patriarch of the West is the Center of Christian Unity. (...) The Order was founded by the Reverends Frederick George Lee, Thomas Mossman and Joseph Seccombe in 1874 in London and it was officially promulgated in 1877 after their consecrations. Lee was pastor of All Saints Church in Lambeth.Lee, Mossman and Seccombe were consecrated bishops in 1877 and were instrumental in providing valid orders to clergy of the Anglican church at a time when their orders seemed to be under question. The line of succession of the Order of Corporate Reunion is still extant today and is treasured and protected by our clergy members." jou. Vaganten
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