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hat einer von Euch die Predigt von David Fisher aus Six-Feet-Under vom letzten Dienstag als Text zur Verfügung???

bearbeitet von Flo77

Auf English:

In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. Let me never be ashamed. Deliver me in thy reighteousness--(stops reading, looks up) "Let me never be ashamed." There's a concept! I've been ashamed my entire life. I grew up thinking I was unworthy in the eyes of God, instead of trusting God. Not to be an ignorant, frightened bigot. (We see shots of KEITH, EDDIE, and CONNIE in the audience, smiling.) Because of this, I've made myself crazy. I've put myself in danger. I've made a lot of mistakes. Big mistakes. Which all could have been avoided if I just had faith. Faith that maybe God really is love, like we say. How am I supposed to spread God's love throughout the world when I deny it to myself?

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Auf English:
In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. Let me never be ashamed. Deliver me in thy reighteousness--(stops reading, looks up) "Let me never be ashamed." There's a concept! I've been ashamed my entire life. I grew up thinking I was unworthy in the eyes of God, instead of trusting God. Not to be an ignorant, frightened bigot. (We see shots of KEITH, EDDIE, and CONNIE in the audience, smiling.) Because of this, I've made myself crazy. I've put myself in danger. I've made a lot of mistakes. Big mistakes. Which all could have been avoided if I just had faith. Faith that maybe God really is love, like we say. How am I supposed to spread God's love throughout the world when I deny it to myself?

Die Textbücher zu allen Folgen findest du hier:





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